What’s your Abundance Vibe? ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Abundance is an expression of the flow of Divine Energy. That energy is open to all of us, there are no limitations other than the ones we place on ourselves, often unconsciously. ๐Ÿง 
We all reside in this vibrational universe. Whatever our individual frequencies ⚡️ are resonating out into the world attracts prosperous circumstances (or the opposite) back to us.
Sometimes we simply don’t know what our vibrational frequency is, despite our best efforts, we seem to remain at the same level of consciousness, desperately trying to attract abundance and remaining in the same place of lack vibration.
If you are not sure what your abundance vibe is, take the test below and discover the frequency of energy that you are transmitting out into the Universe. ๐ŸŒŒ
Something to remember: Your level of abundance and your energy frequency are always changing. Generally, though, the way that you answer the Abundance Self Test is a good basis to understand your attitude and beliefs towards prosperity, abundance, and wealth.

What is your Abundance Energy Frequency?

Answer the following questions honestly and fairly.
You can do this more than once. In fact, you can do it regularly to check in with yourself and your level of abundance energy in any given moment.
On a scale of 1–10 how do you rate yourself?
0 rates as a complete lack of prosperity consciousness and 10 at an exceptionally high level.
  1. Do you feel appreciated, loved, and supported by the Universe?
  2. Do you feel prosperous and abundant?
  3. Are you inspired by the challenges in life?
  4. Do you tend to focus on what’s positive in a situation, rather than what’s negative?
  5. Do you feel good enough/ worthy and deserving of abundance?
  6. Do you feel connected to the Universe?
  7. Are you grateful a lot of the time or do you feel let-down and disappointed by your life experience?
  8. Do you move through life with grace and ease? Or is it a constant struggle?
  9. Do you feel you have enough or are you always worried and feeling lack?
  10. Do you feel your life is going really well the way it is?
  11. Are you happy with what you already have in your life?
  12. Do you feel that there is enough for everyone to be abundant?
Consider your score, where do you come on the scale?
What needs improving for you to score higher on this energy test?
Remember, the ability to shift your energy to higher frequencies is completely within your control. All it takes is some mental discipline, a willingness to change your mindset little by little, and a decision to surrender to the divine possibilities of life.
Now read on to discover the traits of truly abundant people.

6 Traits of Abundant People

  1. People who feel abundant are flexible and able to adapt to life as it throws new and changing circumstances. They know the Universe is always supporting them and ready to reward them with prosperity. ๐Ÿค‘
  2. Abundant people are grateful and fully appreciate their lives. They see life as a chance to grow, evolve, and experience more positivity. Appreciation puts you in a state of vibrating high.
  3. People who vibrate with abundance learn to go with the flow of life rather than against it. Much like a ship ⛵️ in the wind, they adjust their sails and move with grace and ease no matter what is going on.
  4. Abundant people attract wealth and prosperity because they are open and accepting of the Universe. That faith in the unseen forces of good means that even in challenging times they feel guided towards what is right for them.
  5. Abundant people focus more on the positive, they are able to see where things are working out for the highest good of all. Even when things may seem immediately negative, they can find the perspective that resonates with serenity, faith and abundance.

How to Keep Vibrating High?

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to shift our thoughts and behaviors, others around us are still vibrating at a frequency of lack. ๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿป‍♀️
You might begin your day determined to think positively, you have meditated, visualized your abundance and set off into your day feeling great… then you come across that old friend at lunch who insists on talking about her debt, or you get a reminder of a bill you have to pay.
You feel dragged back into that old scarcity mindset, dejected that your plans to vibrate higher have already been ruined.๐Ÿ˜‘
Sometimes as we shift into a new frequency, old energy that has accumulated from before is still around us. Often it shows up in the form of a friend or co-worker who insists on talking about things we would rather leave behind.
The best way to deal with this is to protect your energy.
Vibrating higher and feeling positive does not make you immune to the negativity of others or things you see in the world, but it can help you to shift your perspective and choose to see things from your own high-vibrating place.

Protect your Energy

One of my favorite methods of energy protection is energy bubble visualization. ๐Ÿ‘€
You can do this at any time of day, whenever you need to protect your energy from harmful influences or when you need an extra boost to your vibration.
It’s a great way to begin the day, but you can also take a few minutes alone to visualize like this at any time.
  1. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. ๐Ÿ’†๐Ÿผ‍♀️
  2. As you inhale, imagine a bright, cleansing light flowing in through the top of your head, your crown chakra. This light can be golden, silver, pink or white, whatever comes to your mind. Imagine it swirling around inside you and filling you with its light.
  3. As you exhale, mentally send that light out and all around you like a bubble surrounding your body. Exhale out audibly through your mouth if you like, to accentuate the release of energy.
  4. Imagine this light bubble growing stronger and stronger around you, surrounding you entirely with positive light energy. This is complete and total protection around you. A bubble of healing light energy. ๐Ÿ’ก
  5. Breathe here in this image, feel calm and light, restored and renewed. Protected within your bubble, merging with the beautiful light of the Universe.
  6. Whenever you are ready, open your eyes and as you go about your day, feel the bubble of protection cleansing and shielding you all the time, keeping your precious energy resonating high.

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