Creating a Vision Board to Boost your Vibration

If you’re reading this blog, I imagine that you’re interested in learning more about how creating a vision board can help you to manifest your dreams and desires with the Law of Attraction, turning them into reality. A personal vision board is a powerful tool that can boost your chances of manifesting and help connect you to what you really, truly want out of life.

First, let’s take a quick overview of the Law of Attraction and how it works on a basic level.

The Law of Attraction is a universal, all-powerful law that exists everywhere. It essentially means that “like attracts like” in a vibrational way or in other words, that which you give your attention to vibrationally will be drawn back to you. Everything in our Universe has vibration on a deeper level. Everything that you see is actually “space” but it is vibrating on an atomic level so fast that you see it as solid. When we say that everything is vibrational that also includes our feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
As you have of a thought and your attention remains there, you attract similar thoughts. As you continue to focus your attention on that thought, your vibration pulls in more and more similar thoughts. This is the basic process of how vibrational attraction operates.
You can identify your vibration by checking in with your emotions. If you are feeling excited, happy and loving you can be sure that you are offering a high flying, positive vibration.
The thing is the Law of Attraction is always working, so it not only attracts the positive, but also negative and everything in between. So as you offer your vibration to the Universe, it, in turn, offers you the correlating thoughts, experiences, situations, coincidences, synchronicities, etc that match that vibration.
So clearly the aim is to get into deep alignment with who you are on a core level, and put out vibrationally that which feels good to you. The more you focus on the abundance in your life and the satisfaction that you feel, the more the Law of Attraction will bring that back to you!
The problem, of course, is that many people find it hard to get out of the feeling that they do not have enough, that they are undeserving of what they want or that they cannot have what they want for some reason. The majority of people then offer a mixed vibration to the Universe, and therefore continually get mixed results.
The Universe can provide you with all that you dream of BUT you have to be offering the signal for it.

How can a Vision Board Help?

A vision board acts as a visual and tangible representation of the things that you desire. As you surround yourself and focus your mind on the images of the life you want to experience, the more those experiences will come to you. Remember “Energy goes where attention flows.:”
During visualization, our brains cannot distinguish between that which is real and that which is imagined. This has been proven time and time again in studies, for example in this research a group was asked to play a set of piano notes every day for five straight days. They had their brains scanned every day in the region that connects to the finger muscles. Another group was asked to simply imagine playing the same notes for the same period of time, and also had their brains scanned each day. The brain scans show that the changes in the brain were exactly the same in those who actually played the notes and those who only imagined playing. A group who neither played nor imagined playing the notes had no changes in their brain scans.

What does this mean? As far as your brain is concerned, whatever you imagine being happening is actually happening!
Check out the following steps to creating the perfect vision board for you.

1. Clarify and Connect to Your Vision
First, you really need to narrow your focus to what you want, you could do this by meditating, daydreaming or journaling. Let your mind wander to all the things you want to be, do or have and write them down. Think about your values, career goals, relationships, health and wellbeing, home life, ambitions, etc.
You could even put on some relaxing music, light a candle and set the scene so that your imagination feels free to roam.
Creating a vision board will direct your attention towards your desires and identify which truly matter to you. The act of creating the board helps you to zoom in on those things that truly are meaningful to you.

2. Create the Board and Visualize
There are many different ways to create a vision board. You could choose the more tangible way of cutting out images from magazines, newspapers, images/quotes printed from the Internet, photographs and even other materials or things that spark your imagination. These can all be arranged and stuck down on a big piece of cardboard or paper.
Those more digitally inclined might prefer to create a vision board online or on Pinterest. The benefit of a digital version is that you can make it your desktop picture or wallpaper on your smartphone and bring it with you wherever you go, making it easy to keep it in view and therefore in your consciousness.
If you’ve made a tangible vision board then hang it in view, somewhere where you see it frequently.
Visualizing with the help of your vision board doesn’t mean staring at it all day long, it’s about looking at it every day to remind you of your goals, the things you can achieve and to act as a source of motivation to keep working towards the things you desire.
Our brains, as discussed are capable of incredible things, and through visualization can send signals to the rest of the body that certain things are happening even if they are only being imagined. When you regularly visualize yourself in your dream life, you are regularly preparing yourself for that reality.

3. Surrender to the Universe
Your job is to trust that the Universe is capable of providing your vision through opportunities and events that will flow into your life. Visualize each day and then let it go. When something happens that takes you further along the path to achieving your goals, say thank you and feel the excitement in your body as your dreams morph into reality.
Feel free to add new ideas and inspiration as things shift and change in your life. Keep yourself open-minded and ready for new opportunities, as reflected in your vision board.

Extra tips to boost the success of your vision board:

Bring the vision to the present moment:
I have found that while it is so exciting to get carried away with the pictures of exotic beaches and fancy cars, the beautiful things you want and the families and careers you wish to create — sometimes when we place all our attention on these things that we want that we do not have, we perpetuate the feeling that they are always beyond our reach.
Focusing on something you want that you know is in the future, tends to keep it in the future.
That’s why I believe that we can help ourselves to offer the vibration of abundance and manifest those “future” desires by also adding to our vision boards, wonderful things that we already have and are grateful for.
So you could add photos of loved ones, vacations you have already experienced, small successes, happy memories — things that you have already manifested, things that fill you with joy, happiness, and light.
This way you combine both those things you are calling into your life and the things you already have manifested. Creating a board that brings your future desires into alignment with what currently is means that your brain will not distinguish between what is and what is future. It will be easier to match to your desires vibrationally and attract them into your reality faster.
Maybe we can call this kind of vision board — a feel-good board, or a happy board. One that acts like a positive boost of spiritual medicine for your soul.

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